Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Vodka Red Bull and the iPhone

Take one Vodka Red Bull, one iPhone and then nodding off to sleep and here's what you get. Symptoms of this damage are occasional, random reboots which are very annoying. The Vodka Red Bull had got into the phone right where the battery contacts are and the power supply/fuse circuit is located. As you can see, it looked very badly damaged but with a bit of careful cleaning all seems ok now. Thanks to my friend Paddy for giving me this one to fix.

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Lots of Connector 3 Damage

I seem to have seen lots of iPhones with Connector 3 damage in the last couple of weeks. Normally, it's when customers have attempted a bit of DIY via You Tube. Anyway, here is a classic example of a damaged Connector 3 and the associated damaged Proximity Ribbon. It's all fixable with a bit of time and patience.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Lots of iPhones were broken this year

I just had a quick clear out of some of the broken parts I have replaced this year. It is amazing since this is a fraction of the total. Rest assured, all the batteries are going for recycling.

Saturday, 4 December 2010

I see a pattern emerging

I have just had another water damaged iPhone4 to repair. It seems that these phones are quite resilient when it comes to surviving water damage since this was once again, a toilet drop phone. Main water damage is on the connector section of the board, the dock, the home button and the battery connector. This is good news for all iPhone4 owners. Sure I will get some more water damaged phones coming my way soon.